Features and benefits
Developed by eye experts, Peek Acuity is a standalone app that helps easily screen and identify people who need further examination. It provides a measure of visual acuity and a visual simulation of the result. Our full software and data intelligence platform with data analysis, SMS reminder functionality and other features is available to Peek partners. Peek Acuity is:
Fast and easy to use with step-by-step tutorial. Visual simulation helps explain results to patients. No personally identifiable data collected.
Proven to be as accurate as conventional vision tests in peer-reviewed research. Provides repeatable results.
Includes standardised equivalents of “count fingers”, “hand movement” and “light perception”.
Scores provided in standard units of Snellen – including metric (6/6) and imperial (20/20) – and LogMAR (0.0).
Peek Acuity is not intended to replace detailed examinations from a qualified eye health professional. Learn more about its use and limitations for eye health practitioners.
Download Peek Acuity
Peek Acuity is currently only available for Android users. It can be downloaded for free from the Google Play Store. It is important to keep the app up to date at all times to receive the latest technical updates. Older versions may not function correctly on the latest operating systems. Follow our instructions to perform the manual calibration check before using the app to measure visual acuity.
How it works

Frequently asked questions – Peek Acuity
At the moment Peek Acuity is designed to work on all Android phones, but cannot be downloaded on to other devices, including those which run iOS (iPhones/ iPads). We currently have no plans to develop a version of Peek Acuity for iOS.
No. Peek Acuity is intended for testing someone else’s vision. We may release self-test versions of other tests in future, if they prove reliable.
Yes, most reliably from the age of six because the child does need to understand the basic process of the test. Peek Acuity is designed to be simple and visual, so subjects do not need to be literate or have advanced verbal reasoning, so it can work for very young children.
Yes, for personal or charitable use. For corporate use, please contact us.
Peek Acuity can check an individual’s visual acuity. Consulting an eye health professional about the results produced by Peek Acuity may cost money. We are unable to provide users with any medical advice based on test results.
If you are concerned about your eyesight, consult an eye health professional. We are unable to recommend specific eye health practitioners but suggest you contact your local health worker, family physician or an optometrist if you are unsure. Peek Acuity simply checks visual acuity, and we are unable to provide users with any medical advice based on test results.
Peer reviewed published research has demonstrated that Peek Acuity is capable of accurate and repeatable acuity measurements consistent with published data on conventional logMAR charts.
Peek Acuity is easier to administer than an equivalent wall chart, such as Snellen or ETDRS, and is generally quicker to complete. The algorithm that controls progress through each test is optimised for clinical accuracy, so the test will end just as soon as a reliable score has been obtained. This is usually in less than 1 minute per eye.
In our studies to date, most patients have been reliably tested in less than 1 minute per eye. A patient may take longer if they have difficulty understanding the test, if their vision is affected by more complex problems, or by environmental factors such as distractions during the test.
No, Peek Acuity and Peek Acuity Pro display but do not record the result of any test. Results must therefore be recorded outside the app, such as being manually entered in a patient record. If you wish to show the result of a completed check to a qualified health professional for further assessment, we suggest you use the screenshot function on your smartphone to save an image of the result.