05 Nov, 2020

Peek smartphone tools help eye health programmes improve their reach and equity.
Credit: Peek Vision
Vision for a Nation (VFAN) and Peek Vision are delighted to announce that we will be working in partnership to roll out a new eye health programme in Ghana.
VFAN aim to unlock the potential of the world’s poorest communities by making eye care globally accessible. Since their inception, they have been at the forefront of developing innovative practices to support better eye health in low- and middle-income countries.
Peek develops smartphone technology and public health tools to help eye health organisations working in low- and middle-income countries identify and respond to people’s unmet needs. Peek technology is in use in numerous locations across Africa and Asia, and is supported by rigorous peer-reviewed evidence and clinical validation.
VFAN and Peek will be working with local institutions in Ghana to roll out Peek technology in community eye health programmes for four districts initially. There are plans to scale up to more districts following the successful completion of these initial pilot projects.
By using Peek technology, the VFAN community eye health programmes in Ghana will gain access to insights that were extremely time-consuming or impossible to get previously. These insights can then be used to make rapid improvements to the programme and ensure that nobody is left behind.
Tony Hulton, VFAN’s Chief Executive, said “VFAN is always exploring new ways to innovate in our programming and this exciting partnership with Peek is another way for us to continually improve our services to communities across Ghana.”
“The Peek team is delighted to be joining in partnership with VFAN,” says Peek CEO and co-Founder Dr Andrew Bastawrous. “We are committed to bringing about improvements to eye health systems and the only way to achieve this is by working in partnership with incredible teams like Vision for a Nation.”
The VFAN-Peek community eye health programme is currently in the planning stages and is expected to launch by early 2021, subject to COVID-19 restrictions.