Martin Frost, who succeeds Professor Allen Foster as Chair of the Peek Vision Foundation Board of Trustees in April 2020.
Credit: CMR Surgical
Martin Frost has been elected Chair of the Peek Foundation Board of Trustees for the next three years as of April 2020. Martin succeeds Allen Foster who will remain on the Board as a Trustee after serving as Chair for the last four years.
“Peek’s incredible progress in the last four years would not have been possible without Allen’s visionary leadership,” said Peek Vision CEO, Dr Andrew Bastawrous. “We are enormously lucky to have the guidance and support of our Board, and Allen’s contribution as Chair since the Peek Vision Foundation was established in 2015 has been instrumental to our development as an organisation. He has also provided great support to me personally on this journey and I’m delighted he will continue to serve on the board.”
Professor Foster is an ophthalmologist (eye surgeon) who has had a distinguished career in global eye health. He was formerly co-Director of the International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH) at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and CEO of CBM International, one of the world’s leading disability NGOs.
New Chair Martin Frost brings a wealth of commercial leadership experience from the healthcare and technology industry. In 2014 he co-founded CMR Surgical, which is today one of the leading medical robotics companies in Europe. Previously Martin was involved in M-PESA, the world-leading mobile money application in Kenya, while CEO of the Cambridge technology development company, Sagentia, listing the company on the London Stock Exchange in 2000. He has been involved in founding, building, listing and selling multiple technology start-ups. Martin was voted EY UK Entrepreneur of the Year in the Disruptor category in 2019.
Peek Vision is a hybrid organisation that consists of two entities. The Peek Vision Foundation is a registered charity in the UK. The Foundation wholly owns a trading company, Peek Vision Ltd, which develops products and services to bring eye care to people worldwide. All profits generated by the Company’s activities ultimately belong to the Foundation, which uses its funds to build eye care capacity in low- and middle-income countries.